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Case Study: School House Adjustment Program Enterprise (SHAPE)

Program Name:

School House Adjustment Program Enterprise (SHAPE)


The School House Adjustment Pro-gram Enterprise, commonly known by its acronym SHAPE, began in July 2007. Memphis City Schools (MCS) received grant funding through the Disproportion-ate Minority Contact (DMC) Pilot Pro-ject administered by the Tennessee Com-mission on Children and Youth (TCCY) to implement SHAPE.

The program is a collaborative effort between MCS, the Shelby County Juvenile Court, the Mem-phis Police Department (MPD), the Shelby County Mayor’s Office, the Memphis City Mayor’s Office, the Pub-lic Defender’s Office, and the District Attorney’s Office. SHAPE is a diversion program that seeks to reduce the number of minority youth who are transported and booked into juvenile detention for especially minor charges.

Funder Name:

Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC) Pilot Project administered by the Tennessee Commission on Children and Youth (TCCY)


Shelby County Schools

Years Evaluation Performed:


Number of Participants:



Lead Evaluator


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