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Program Evaluations

2017 - present

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2018 - 2021

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2012 - 2020

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2017 - 2018

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2017 - 2018

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Memphis Ambassador's Program

City of Memphis

Dr. Thompson conducts a multi-year assessment of MAP’s effectiveness, a locally funded, year-round (after-school and summer) youth development program serving over 400 students in multiple community centers throughout the city. To guide program development and improve outcomes, Dr. Thompson collaborated with key personnel to develop a pre-assessment for students, which serves to identify their baseline knowledge, beliefs, and behaviors. Students’ post-assessment responses, taken at the end of the program, are compared to determine whether any knowledge acquisition or behavior changes occurred that can be attributed to program activities/interventions. Dr. Thompson also developed a caregiver survey, completed at or near the end of the program year, affording caregivers the opportunity to provide input about their perceptions of the program’s effectiveness, the impact of the program on their teen’s success, and their overall satisfaction with the program. Program staff receive an initial report summarizing key findings of the pre-assessment. Findings from the pre- and post-assessment comparison and caregiver survey are combined into a comprehensive report.

Comprehensive School Safety Initiative

Shelby County Schools

In collaboration with RTI International, a nonprofit research institute, Dr. Thompson evaluated the effectiveness of CSSI, a National Institute of Justice (NIJ) grant-funded initiative. The evaluation assessed the effectiveness of two types of interventions—student-focused school safety programs and comprehensive school safety strategies—the district used to reduce violence and behavior problems in schools relative to a set of control schools receiving “treatment as usual.” Her comprehensive evaluation provided district leadership with insight into the most effective methods of reducing school violence.


Resident Opportunity Self-Sufficiency Service Coordianators (ROSS-SC) Program

Memphis Housing Authority

ROSS-SC is a program that utilizes Service Coordinators to coordinate the delivery of supportive services and resident empowerment activities to help public housing residents attain economic and housing self-sufficiency. Dr. Thompson assessed the quality of services and effectiveness of program activities through survey design and administration, activity monitoring, and data collection and analysis. Dr. Thompson conducted process and outcome evaluations to promote program quality, measure efficacy, and meet program standards, goals, and objectives. Lastly, Dr. Thompson prepared and submitted quarterly and annual reports to inform key personnel of the program’s effectiveness in promoting residents’ self-sufficiency.

Academic Parent-Teacher Teams (APTT)

Shelby County Schools

APTT is a Title I-funded intervention focusing on engaging families as partners in their children's education and developing systems and processes aligned to student improvement goals. Dr. Thompson designed and led this evaluation, including designing personnel and parent surveys. Personnel Surveys provided feedback about the program’s design, implementation, and PD effectiveness, while Parent Surveys revealed perceptions of program effectiveness at providing the guidance needed to attend to their children’s academic needs at home. The evaluation report synthesized key findings from both surveys, providing program managers with the information needed to improve program quality and maximize student outcomes.


City of Memphis

MPLOY is a locally funded initiative providing youth ages 14 to 21 with meaningful summer employment. The program offers teens various career path options according to the participants' strengths and interests, including soft skills training, entry-level positions, and internships. Dr. Thompson designed surveys for students and business partners to gauge their experiences and identify possible areas of improvement and provided technical assistance and support to program personnel to ensure accurate data collection. Additionally, Dr. Thompson prepared and submitted a final report to inform key personnel of the program’s effectiveness in improving student outcomes.

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